Friday 27 January 2012

New Bin!

The new bin at the top of the path from Quakers Walk has arrived!!!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Letter from Wiltshire Air Ambulance

On behalf of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance Charitable Trust, thank you so much for the kind donation of £172.79 raised yourself and the residents of Quakers Walk. Please pass on our thanks to all concerned. It was also lovely to meet you and your daughter last week when you popped into the Unit. We really appreciate your support.

As you are most likely aware, the service provided by Wiltshire Air Ambulance is unique and is an essential service which is provided to the people of Wiltshire. No-one is exempt – it is there for all life and death situations and because of the speed of the helicopter and skill of the crew this can make a big difference to the patient concerned.

The Air Ambulance receives no Government or National Lottery funding and, therefore, we rely heavily on the support of you – the Wiltshire residents!

Wiltshire’s Air Ambulance is the only Helicopter in the Country that has the ability to fly at night, this is because of the joint collaboration we have with the Police meaning we have specialist cameras and thermal imaging equipment on board.

The Air Ambulance is able to transport the patient to the most appropriate specialist hospital, where life saving medical intervention is given as quickly as possible. The Helicopter can reach any part of Wiltshire within 10 minutes.

Everyone in Wiltshire has a stake in the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.

Flying 365 days a year, the service gives each and everyone of us in Wiltshire peace of mind.

Kindest regards,

Janet Ford

Wiltshire Air Ambulance

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Contractors at the School

Many of you have drawn attention to the difficulty in safely negotiating the line of parked vehicles belonging to the school contractors when leaving and entering our estate. They have caused blind spots and a few 'near misses'. Some of us have contacted Spillers (Somerset office) and drawn this to their attention. 'No parking' bollards have now appeared at various points along the road to enable passing spots so, although this lengthens the line of parked vehicles, we hope this will improve the situation for drivers.

Doggy Bins

Many of you have drawn our attention to the overflowing bins in the locked play park and the doggy bags that have been strewn on the ground. Persimmons have promised to empty the bins as it is their responsibility until the council have passed the play park and adopted it. In the meantime use of this area increases the risk of damage which in turn will delay the council adopting it. Persimmons have asked if we could explain this and encourage patience while the legal processes continue. We have asked for an opening date and will post this on the blog as soon as we receive it.

A new bin has been ordered for the disposal of doggy bags and we hope this will be installed soon near the bollards where Quakers Road joins the tarmac pathway. In the meantime, the nearest bin is at the top of Quakers Walk by Roundway Park, so we suggest dog owners use this or take their bags home for disposal. The doggy bin over the bridge on the canal tow path is the responsibility of British Waterways to empty and not the council.

Sunday 22 January 2012

BIG Picnic on the meadow

There will be a community jubilee event in June. It will involve a massive picnic on the meadow!!

More news to be announced soon. Anyone who wants to get involved organising the event please contact through the blog!!

Traffic in the Day

There has been increasing problems with contractors parking their cars on the road outside the school. They have space to park but use the road because it's easier for them to get their cars out. It is causing increasing problems for traffic coming into the estate and is dangerous.

If it is causing you a problem then complain to

You need the Somerset division!

Thursday 19 January 2012

Christmas Parade - Money Raised

Great news! We raised £172.79 during the Christmas Parade!! Thank you so much for the money you donated!

Keep following the blog for more news on the next event!!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Thank you!

Well the tree is now down and 2012 is rolling on. Just a quick message to say again a big thank you to everyone who turned out to the Christmas Parade. We even made the press in the Gazette and Herald (page 41)!!

Please keep checking the blog for further events and news!!!