Sunday 28 October 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child: This is an opportunity for the residents of Quakers Walk to join the town in providing shoe boxes full of goodies to be sent to a disadvantaged child overseas. Shoebox Packing Day is on Saturday 3rd November, from 9a.m. in St Andrew’s Church Hall. If you would like to help pack boxes on that day, or make a contribution to the Quakers Walk boxes, please let Thelma know ( or bring your donation to 38 Quakers Road by Friday 2nd November. For more information on Operation Christmas Child, see

Halloween Code

Simple Halloween code: Wednesday 31 October marks this year’s Halloween, traditionally a time when young people like to dress up and have fun ‘Trick or Treating’ in their local communities. Wiltshire Police and its partners are encouraging young people to be safe and respect others this Halloween, to ensure that Halloween can be enjoyed by everyone. Parents and carers have an important role to play to help keep children and young people safe and encourage them to act responsibly when they’re taking part in Trick or Treating. Here is some information taken from the Wiltshire Police website: · Unexpected callers at the door can cause distress for some people, particularly the elderly. For people who do not want to receive ‘Trick or Treat’ callers, a poster has been produced displaying in large font ‘Sorry, no trick or treat here please.’ The poster should be displayed in a prominent position either on the front door or front window. Do not knock on doors where there such a sign is displayed. Wiltshire Police have given us a limited supply of “No trick or treat” posters – please ask your Co-ordinator. Or you can download one from or look at the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme website and search under Halloween · Always trick and treat with an adult. Parents/carers should ensure their children act sensibly. Stay with the people you are with - do not go off on your own. · Only visit a house where you or the people you are with know who lives there. Do not talk to strangers on the street. Do not enter any house – stay on the door step.

Sunday 7 October 2012

The White Horse Birthday Party

The sun shone as families and residents from Quakers Walk walked up to the White Horse to celebrate its 13th birthday on Saturday 29th September. Families from the Trinity and Nursteed schools joined in on the hill and the children made a garland of flowers for his neck and sat among the bunting on his back. Hannah had made a cake which Thelma had iced - Sarah Padwick blew the candles out, the Mayor cut the cake and everyone sang 'Happy Birthday dear Chalkie...'. While Thelma cut up the cake to share out, Alan Padwick told everyone gathered the story of how the Devizes Millenium White Horse had come to be cut in the chalk and a group called the Cavaliers had looked after it until responsibility was handed over to Roundway Parish Council in 2011. Noel Woolrych who had been Mayor for the Millennium and who had cut the first turf and other Cavaliers present added their stories too so we all learnt a lot about our white horse. Colin's kite flew high in the sky and the picnics were good too! Although there were not as many there as we had hoped, we all enjoyed it so much we thought we would repeat it again next September.